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*Did you know you can apply for a “Certificate of Good Conduct” on our website? Just click on “Apply or Register” – where you can download the form.*

Response Teams

Response Team officers are the backbone of this organisation and are mostly the first to respond to an incident that requires police presence. They will invariably deal with a vast variety of situations, all of which require a skilled response tailored to that specific incident. They may be required to search for people and premises, interview witnesses, arrest suspects, declare a major incident as well as planning and executing the police response to an emerging incident. Officers may also be deployed to hotspots to deal proactively with traffic offences or anti-social behaviour, to name a few.

In their response to dealing with incidents, officers are required to make an initial assessment, make decisions in accordance with the National Decision Making Model, resolve conflict and work towards providing a secure and safe Gibraltar. It is often said that no two days in policing are the same. Even though this is true, running towards danger when people are trying to get away and not knowing what you are going to be faced with, makes the experience demanding and exciting, but immensely satisfying and rewarding. Every day experiences provide an environment where learning and development is continuous and runs parallel to the daily role and responsibilities officers undertake. Both resilient and adaptable, these officers are equipped with a wide range of skills, pride themselves as good listeners and are passionate in delivering a safer Gibraltar through Excellence in Policing. They play a crucial role in keeping our community safe.

Through effective communication and continuous community engagement, we aim to establish new and reinforce existing positive working relationships with individuals and groups within our community. We address the needs of our community through partnerships and by working in collaboration with our joint strategic stakeholders. These factors combined, enhance our ability to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour, bring offenders to justice and essentially, reduce crime and the fear of crime. We consistently monitor our methods and analyse our performance to be at the fore-front of the fast-paced, ever-changing environment that we operate in.