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*New emergency number for police, fire and ambulance is 999*

Commissioner responds to GPF Survey


Whilst the RGP welcomes the GPF’s survey, it remains disappointed with many of the statistics contained within it. 

However, it notes that, in the GPF’s words, ‘the results of this year’s survey are slightly more positive than in the two previous years.’ 

It also notes from the Survey that ‘officers are (now) treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve’ and that the GPF are ‘extremely pleased that Senior Management have allowed (them) to team up with Dignity at Work, with presentations to be delivered… to all officers of all ranks, inclusive of our Commissioner.’ 

Furthermore, the Survey notes that ‘The RGP and the Federation have worked hard to put together a Bullying at Work Policy, acceptable to both sides and have revamped the existing Grievance Procedure. The Federation have only recently been allowed to attend training days and deliver presentations to officers.’ 

Finally, the Survey highlights that, ‘Even before the survey results were published, we had an assurance from the Commissioner of Police that any issues highlighted in this year’s survey would be addressed immediately.’’ 

Commissioner of Police Richard Ullger said,  ‘In recent months I have worked with the GPF in order to improve 

management and leadership processes across the RGP.  In that time, I have initiated a new grievance procedure, a new Ethics Committee and I have invited Dignity At Work (Gibraltar) to give presentations to our officers.  We now have a new Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Strategy as well as a Wellbeing Committee and Wellbeing Champions. In particular, our new leadership training course was really well received by everyone who attended it.  Further leadership training has been arranged for senior officers in March. 

I think all these new initiatives demonstrate the direction in which I wish the RGP to go. 

I look forward to the day on which all my officers look forward to coming to work and do a job where they derive real satisfaction and a sense of serving their community.’ 


