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RG Police maritime section rescue damaged yacht in Strait

Royal Gibraltar Police Maritime Section rescued a sailing vessel in distress off Europa Point on Monday morning.

During a routine sea patrol, officers were informed by the Port VTS operator that the yacht ‘Poseidon’ had been detected drifting in a westerly direction in close proximity to the main shipping channel in the Strait of Gibraltar.

The yacht had suffered engine failure on its way to the Canary Islands but attempts by the ship’s master to carry out repairs on board had proved unsuccessful.

The RGP launch manoeuvred alongside the ‘Poseidon’ and the crew managed to attach towing lines with which they were able to bring the sailing vessel into the harbour and to a berth at North Mole.

Ship’s master Natalie Jane Mansfield 37, from Bellshill (Republic of Ireland), thanked the RGP maritime section for their quick response and assistance.
