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Using Mobile Devices and Apps Safely


The Royal Gibraltar Police have teamed up with the UK’s Get Safe Online campaign to help promote the safe use of mobile devices and apps.

For most people, mobile phones and tablets are the gateway to the online world – but it’s important to take care when going online to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime.

We feel it would be useful for mobile device users in Gibraltar to be aware of these top tips.


Top tips for using your mobile devices


• Update software and apps when prompted, including operating systems. These often contain security updates.

• Download security apps on all your mobile devices, including Apple devices.

• Always protect your mobile devices with a PIN or password, even if they come with biometric protection.

• Review your device settings regularly to ensure your privacy is protected.

• Set your devices to back up automatically to protect confidential or irreplaceable files or other information from loss.  

• Wi-Fi hotspots should be avoided for confidential communications or transactions, as there’s no guarantee that they’re secured. Use a VPN or instead, use your data or wait until you get back to your secure Wi-Fi.

• Think before you click: clicking on email attachments or links in emails and social media posts could infect your devices with various types of malware, including ransomware and spyware.

• Giving a caller remote access to your devices could result in malware or fraud. Grant access only to an authorised support person who you have contacted with a problem.

• Keep mobile devices secure in the home and office. The information on them is normally worth a lot more to a criminal than selling on the device itself.

• Never leave mobile devices unattended, including in a café, the gym or your vehicle.

• Keep your device protected when out and about in crowded areas. Mobiles make attractive targets for pickpockets and ride-by thieves.


Top tips for using apps


• Avoid downloading fake apps by using only the official store for your device’s operating system. Even then, read reviews and choose with care, as some rogue apps sometimes make their way into app stores.

• Read terms and conditions when downloading apps to understand aspects like data sharing and in-app payments.

• Consider the permissions you grant for apps to access your location, photos, camera, contacts or other functions or data.

• Check app settings to determine whether downloading updates and day-to-day data are enabled automatically. If they are, it could make it easier for your data to be intercepted, and may use up your data allowance.

• Observe apps’ minimum age ratings, which may vary from store to store. This is important for apps which may be accessed by children.

• Log out of apps – particularly those for banking, shopping or payments – when you’ve finished using them. This also goes for location-based apps, when you want to protect your whereabouts.

• Always download app updates when prompted. As well as providing new features and better functionality, updates usually contain security fixes.

• Be aware of the data used by apps when you’re out and about, including roaming charges abroad. And remember that some apps enable in-app purchases, which can be very attractive to use – especially to children – but at a price.

• Remove apps you haven’t used for a while, apart from security apps. If you’re disposing of your device by any means, erase all data and apps, also preferably doing a factory re-set.

