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*Did you know you can apply for a “Certificate of Good Conduct” on our website? Just click on “Apply or Register” – where you can download the form.*

Cyber Crime

Cyber crime - don't get trapped in the web

  • Cybercrime is one of the fastest growing crimes worldwide, affecting both businesses and individuals. It includes a range of cyber-dependent (which can only be committed online) and cyber enabled (which can be conducted on or offline) crimes.
  • There are a number of steps you can take to help make sure you don't get trapped in the web and become a victim of crime online.

Don't believe everything you see


  • Not everyone is honest and not everything you see on the internet is what it claims to be. Use your judgement - if something seems too good to be true it probably is
  • If you receive an unexpected email asking for your bank details, or a message from a stranger asking for some photographs, take a moment to question whether they are who they say they are
  • Remember that you don't always really know who you are talking to online

Be diligent

Be prepared to question what you see online:

  • Is the website a respectable source?
  • Is it likely that your bank would ask you to email them your personal data?
  • Does it feel right that you have won a lottery you've never heard of and never entered?
  • Is the person asking you to send them a personal video really who they say they are?
  • Is your new friend really the age they say they are?

IF you have any suspicions or doubts, or if something just doesn't just feel right, it's always best to be cautious and step away.

Don't get caught by phishing

Beware of phishing, which is when you receive emails or messages designed to get your personal information from you to be used inappropriately

  • Don't respond to emails asking you for your personal information and don't share information if you are unsure of the source

Protect yourself on social media

  • Check your privacy settings on your social media accounts as your personal information could be used by criminal

Use protection

  • It's simple enough - use protection when online. Antivirus software can help protect your computer or other device from viruses, worms, malware and ransomware
  • Always make sure you keep your anti-virus up to date to keep you protected from the latest threats online

Stay up to date

  • Updates for operating systems like Windows and Mac OS are released regularly, and these help make your computer more secure to protect against security threats
  • Keeping your web browser up to date also helps protect your computer

Get help

  • If you suspect you have been a victim of cyber crime, contact us to report it. Visit our public counter or contact us on Tel 20072500 to arrange for a report to be taken.

Free Courses

The Open University runs a free online course to help people understand online security and protect their digital life, whether at home or work.

Introduction to Cyber Safety Course (FREE)
Internet of Everything Course (FREE)

Support and advice

Help and advice on a variety of cyber-related subjects is available from the following resources:

Get Safe Online
The National Cyber Security Centre
Cyber Aware
Take Five - To Stop Fraud Campaign
Action Fraud News
Parent Zone